Over twenty years ago, cast and crew alike.
Families, writers, costumers, all set the world on fire.
Relaying Easy`s story from Toccoa to the war.
Telling of our heroes, and the men they were before.
Dick Winters, fearless leader. A calmness always there .
Served with integrity and honour. Served with the utmost care.
Roe, the medic of Easy. A man with many skills.
When something happened, he was there, to cure you of your ills.
Lipton, quiet achiever. A man going about his role,
Supporting men with dignity, as the war took its heavy toll.
But to tell this story carefully, our actors had to learn.
About these men and their life, every little turn.
Our actors called their heroes, and learned stories of the war.
Our actors learned their nuances and what shook them to the core.
They learned how to be these heroes. How to walk the walk.
Guarnere with a swagger.Winters straight and true.
Damien Lewis became Dick Winters and learned from the man himself.
How to behave as a Major, how to find yourself.
Donnie Wahlberg was our Lipton. Quiet, straight and true.
Got on with the job in hand, to see his brothers through.
Shane Taylor gave us Doc Roe. The medic in this crew.
Doc Roe turned up everywhere. How?, we never knew.
Scott Grimes, he was Malarkey. A man so firm and brave.
Served more time on the front lines, showed how to behave.

The families of the 506 are something special too.
Waiting for their heroes homecoming. Some they never would.
The families support their heroes. Their legacy goes on.
Making sure the stories are told – pass on that baton.
Thank you actors, for your portrayal. Faultless to the core.
You gave us everything you had, and left us wanting more.
Thank you to the families. You shared so much of your time.
That time you give so freely. Memories of your heroes life.
Most thanks go to the 506. Diamond to the core.
Cohesive unit, fought together, as brothers through the war.
The legacy you left us. The stories told on and on.
We’ll keep that legacy moving. We’ll keep that legacy strong.