became a Band of Brothers

Authored by Chris Langlois and illustrated by Anneke Helleman.
Band of Brothers is a piece of pure magic that came to our television back in 2001, shortly before 9/11. There have been many books over the years, written by the veterans themselves as well as family, historians and friends. However, this book is something special.
In a book aimed at 13-18 year olds, our author Chris Langlois, has achieved something that no one else has. He has brought this history to the next generation.
With his ease of language, his personal knowledge, and beautiful writing, Chris has brought the memories and events of Easy Company, 506th Parachute infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne into the hearts and minds of schoolchildren worldwide.
It is an incredibly detailed and informative book, that demonstrates a high level of respect and honour to the service of 506E, while managing to educate children on freedom and prices that had to be paid. This book will fill a void for teaching this history.
The illustrations are beautifully done and subtle enough that they don’t overpower the text or take anything away from the information being given. They are just enough to put familiarity into what is being read for the reader.
Our authors style is engaging and I found that this made the book easy to read. His knowledge of 506E is heightened by his family connection as he is Eugene ‘Doc’ Roes grandson and his work with the Band of Brothers Family Foundation.
I am proud to have interviewed Chris Langlois, but I’m privileged to call him a friend.