Here’s a recipe for you.
Ingredients are Beth. Stir in Tom, her husband and their 3 year old daughter Poppy.
Outcome: the perfect family.
Every now and then recipes can go wrong. Add into this one, the disappearance of an old girlfriend of from 8 years ago. Stir into that, the police pulling Tom in for questioning. The happy family recipe starts to sour. Did he do it?
Now Beth runs the daily gauntlet of press at her door. Press following her and trying to balance her business as well as being a single mum. All the while there is implied doubt as to what Beth knew.
Alice Hunter has gifted us a piece of divine writing. Written in alternating chapters, from Beth and Toms points of view, it feels that we are ‘in the middle of them’’, as if we’re encompassed in their world. Alice’s style of writing puts you front and centre in the story. I have read reviews that have labelled it boring. Labelled it average. I didn’t find that.
I am used to the writings of Tess Gerritsen and Lisa Gardner in this genre, and this is certainly a different style. But it worked very well for the storyline. The short chapters made it an easy read. The twists and turns were unpredictable (some have said otherwise, but I disagree) and the final twist…….I did not foresee that coming.
Thank you Ms Hunter for a fantastic read.