While there are many funeral directors out there throughout Australia, there are very few funeral directories. In fact, The Funeral Directory is the first. Let’s meet owner and founder Rebecca Wilson, so she can tell you what it’s all about.
Can you tell us about yourself Rebecca?
I live on the Great Southern Coast of South Australia. My home and life is shared with my husband, three kids and our dog, Winnie
How long have you worked in the funeral industry?
In 2010 I became a marriage celebrant, something I always loved doing. In 2015, I took that extra step and moved into the funeral industry.
What do you love about the industry?
I love the people I work with. As a celebrant, we all work together to support each other. I love spending time with the families I deal with. That may sound strange as they are obviously at the worst time in their life, but I get to hear the best from them at that time. I hear the stories and memories from them. They bring their loved one to life for me.
Were you ever nervous about entering the industry?
Yes I definitely was. It lasted for many years. I had a wariness of being involved with funerals. I thought it would bring an element of sadness to my life, and by extension my family too. I was wrong. It was the opposite.

So tell me about The Funeral Directory.
In a nutshell, it’s a one stop shop for everything linked to funerals. Florists, caskets, music, writers, celebrants. You name it, it will be on our listings. The idea is to showcase Australian businesses while giving the public ease to plan a funeral. Everything in one place.
What’s the plan for The Funeral Directory?
The 3 month plan is simply build. We have a free registration period until the end of March, and I’d like to encourage businesses to come and list with us.
What else will we see?
Mondays – there will be an article written by our in-house writer.
Wednesdays – there will be something to read, watch and listen to.
Fridays – listing of the week.
There will be other posts added as we go. Blog posts are coming as well as lists of resources. We also have some book reviews too. Certainly a wide variety of things to help everyone walk their path.

The Funeral Directory is bringing families together with suppliers. We aim to make life a little easier for those suffering from the trauma of the loss of a loved one.
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