How its going

How’s it going?


Here we are, another year on. Time flies fast and as we race through the first few months of 2022 I find myself thinking that ‘Madhatterpress’ is 2 years old soon! 

So, where do we find ourselves?

This “forty something widow” from 2020 has turned fifty! “Ramblings of a forty something widow” and “My Adventures with Bruce” remain out there in the big wide world! 

2022 will see the continuation of my ‘Band of Brothers’ section of my website. For those that have never seen it, do yourself a favour and go watch it! What I will suggest though, is to go beyond the TV show. Read the biographies and autobiographies of Easy Company. Watch the documentaries and understand the men. I`ve been incredibly lucky to interview Easy Company veterans families. I have interviewed actors from the series. Every book I have read, every family member I have spoken to  and every actor I have liaised with just cements the fact that these were not only incredible men, but they had amazing support networks in the families that were waiting at home. 

2022 is also going to see the continuation of travel blogs and my food reviews that were started in 2021. I plan to continue book/TV & movie reviews. Articles are also on the cards with several planned already! 

More interviews are coming too. Rick Wakeman will be coming as soon as he has finished his current tour. I also have something a little different interview-wise too! 

2022 will be busy!