A Writers Life: May

A Writers Life.

“The first draft of everything is shit”.

What a quote and it’s not wrong. As a writer, you write. Rewrite. Edit. Write again. Edit. Chuck out a chapter. Plot change and so on. No first draft is perfect. It’s the same in emails, Facebook, Instagram and even letters.
If I told you this was my third attempt at this post today, would you believe that? Well, it is. The first draft was with another quote and sounded awfully cheesy. The second, too wordy. But this works.

When you write a book, poem, article, whatever it is, it will always need editing.
No matter how great you think something is, someone will find something needing changing. It happened to me with a short story. I adored what I’d written but an editor got their hands on it and, well, I didn’t adore it as much after!!

Life is the same. Things always need changing. There is no perfect life. But, now here’s the kicker that we all know. There’s no first draft in life. One go only.
So, life advice relating to this quote.
– if something doesn’t work, change it.
– if you don’t like your career, change it.
– it’s ok that friendships change and drift apart. Some friendship circles remain, some dont.
– remember you have one life. You don’t know what hand you’re going to get dealt.
Life changes very quickly. Don’t waste a damn minute.

A Writers Life

“The smallest things warm the heart”

Six words that say so much. Six words that cover the realm of life.  What does this mean in relation to writing?  For me, it’s this….Someone saying ‘I bought your book’. They know how much it means to me that they took the time to tell me.  Someone taking the time to review my book. For any author, this is a biggie. Reviews help you grow. They show you what an audience thinks.  Someone sharing with you how your book affected them. Hearing ‘I loved it’ or ‘it made me think of…’ is a beautiful sound.That’s just three things as a writer. 

But what about the rest of life?  For me, it’s someone emailing or messaging me to say ‘hello’. To catch up. Someone making the effort to keep in regular contact with me.  With my late husband, it was a nightly chat that we always had. The last thing before sleep, was always talking. Communication the key to everything.  For me, a recent thing, has been something my dad said about my late mum. I made coleslaw for my dad and he said ‘your mum used to make it exactly like that’. (I hadn’t known how she used to make it, or that she used to do it). Another extremely special one is that every year on August 30, my late husbands best friend messages me. It’s a sad day, but that message always makes me smile (thank you Des Vincent). So, there you go. Smallest things that warm the heart. It doesn’t have to be much. Sometimes it’s just knowing someone’s there for you.

It’s not just small things that warm the heart, it’s simple things too.♥️

A Writers Life
J.K. Rowling said “The discipline involved in finishing a piece of creative work is something on which you can truly pride yourself”
Nothing beats sitting at your computer and typing “the end” or hitting the full stop, for your final sentence. That sense of doubt about whether you would get there vanishes in that instant. It’s instantly replaced by “wow, i actually did it”.
I have a “creative list”. It’s ongoing and filled with ideas. On that list is interviews, food reviews, character pieces, TV reviews, book reviews, book ideas and so much more. When something is completed, I put a green tick ✅ beside it. I don’t remove everything from my list when done.
Why? It’s because of this quote. It’s to remind myself that I do have the discipline. It’s to remind myself that I am creative. It’s to remind myself to have pride in what I do.
Most of all, on a low day, where I am thinking about my late husband and mum and how much I miss them, it’s to remind me that they would be so proud. It’s to remind me to smile at that memory.
Margaret Atwood once said “we are all stories in the end”. What does that quote mean to me? Life is short. You get one chance. Make your story a good one.
A Writers Life
Isaac Asimov said “Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers”.
What a perfect analogy! For me, it’s exactly that. Putting thoughts on paper, or a computer screen, is my form of thinking. For me, it’s a form of talking and expressing emotion too.
Words that you capture, well, it doesn’t have to be much. It might just be one word or two that you can use as inspiration for something. It might be a complete poem that jumps into your head, your thoughts, usually at the most in opportune moments (usually in the middle of the night for me).
I find that I have to write daily. I think through my fingers every day. Even if my writing is an Insta post, a sentence or paragraph of my next piece, I have to write something.
Those that know me, know that writing is my talking. Those that read my work, get to know me better.
I have notebooks everywhere. A phone with me. An iPad beside me. Whenever my “thinking” appears, I can use those fingers and capture some magic.