“Bruce” Book Reviews

Amazon Review:

My Adventures with Bruce is a sweet story of an only child who creates an imaginary friend, in this case a kangaroo to play and have fun with. This book became our bedtime story over the course of a week. It’s such a fun story to read, Bella loved the various adventures the duo went on and laughed at the thought of a kangaroo in board shorts and a vest trying his best to hide in various places so he wasn’t discovered by Mum! A really sweet, uplifting and joyful story.
We really hope Bruce pops up again for a second and third adventure!

Message Review:

The book looks awesome and is just hilarious!

Verbal Review:

I just loved it. It was brilliant. Such a great story. Im putting it away safely to read to the grandchildren when they come over. 


5.0 out of 5 stars

A lovely story of a young child longing for a friend to play with.

I loved this book, such a pleasure to read. I found it amusing, uplifting and sometimes emotional of a lonely boy who finally found so much happiness. The author has shown so much imagination and cleverly put the story together, not just for the audience of a children’s book, but ideal for all ages.

Awaiting for more to read from this author.


5 star

Absolutely Amazing. 

My kids devoured this book in one sitting. Such an amazing story and well written. I’m sure we will read it over and over at bedtime. 

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend!

Email Review:

Hello Joanne! I just read your story about Bruce and his young friend on my Kindle. Such a heartwarming story.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the story. You have a real talent for telling a great tale.

Email Review:

I liked your story and I am sure there is a lot of scope there to write more adventures for Bruce.

The story of a single child who wishes for a friend to play with. So much to love about this. I especially liked the mix of how the parents raised the boy and how he practices those principles with respect for his parents. He gets what he wants and they learn to see him as a responsible son. This loving family dynamic, combined with the heartwarming friendships of the boy and his new friend, mixed well and left me with a story that I will long remember. Kudos for the author’s first children’s book.